Field mouse

Mice are rodents and eat mainly grains and cereals.

They are however omnivores and will eat meat (or dead mice) when food is scarce. They invade buildings for food and shelter, where they come into conflict with humans.

Spread of infection

In some instances mice have been known to chew wiring in loft spaces and vehicles causing quite costly damage and or fires. Other problems caused by mice include the spread of infection via faeces and urine, and damage to foodstuffs in the home and storage facilities.

After the rat and humans, the mouse is believed to be the third most successful mammal on earth. 

Field mouse

Mice prefer a sweet food

If using traps it is a common misconception that cheese is the best bait to use. Mice prefer a sweet food with high sugar content. Chocolate is a good attractant. 


Our method of treatment will often require poison to be placed in the areas where activity is detected.

Note: In lofts bat droppings can often be mistaken for mouse droppings (it is illegal to interfere with bats or their roosts).